ESGA board - News
ESGA tournaments 2022-2025
The board will present a plan for the ESGA tournaments 2022-2025 as soon as the plan is decided by the board and confirmed by the host nations.
ESGA OOM (Order of Merit) Ranking System
The ESGA board has received a suggestion from Bo Ryden, president of the Swedish Association, to introduce a ranking system for our tournaments. Over the past months our board member Helge Wangen in good coordination with Bo Ryden has been working on this system and we are happy to be able to present it to our members.
The main characteristic is the following:
ü The ranking comprises three years of tournaments, which means that the 2019 ranking includes the three years 2019, 2018 and 2017.
ü All teams participating in ESGA's team tournaments are awarded ranking points.
ü An algorithm determines how the amount of ranking points will be calculated. The ranking points to the winner are determined by the number of teams participating. The range of the ranking points to the winner goes from 110 points (8 teams) to 260 points (23 teams). The loosing team will get 25 points.
ü The points from the last year's ranking (now 2019) is weighted by 1, the second last year's points are weighted by 0.67 and the third last year's points is weighted by 0.33.
There will be an OOM-list for every tournament.
The ranking of Super Seniors 65+ will in the beginning be a mix of Masters 70+ and Super Seniors 65+.