The new president of ESGA - Bart Jan Constandse

Bart Jan Constandse was born in 1946 not too far away from Amsterdam. Married since November 1971 with Patty and they have two daughters (46,43) and 3 grandchildren, 2 girls(13) and a boy(15)

They are living in Waalre, in the neighborhood of Eindhoven, the ‘tech’ city of the Netherlands. Playing golf at de Eindhovensche Golf, a beautiful Harry Colt golfcourse.

His professional career

After finishing his military draft period as an officer in the Royal Cavalry, he attended the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, where he graduated in 1974. In his whole career he has been working in the food and feed industry.  He finished his active career in 2004 as CEO of a large fruit and vegetable company. Since then he has been working as a non-executive director on several supervisory boards of Dutch companies, and will be finishing these functions in 2020.

His experience in golf

After meeting his wife Patty, who was and is a keen golfer, he started playing golf in 1971 at the Kennemer Golf & C.C., another great Harry Colt golfcourse.  In 1980 they moved to the eastern part of the country and became members of Hattemse Golf & C.C., an attractive 9-holes golfcourse. He was president of this club from 1987 – 1994. After moving for his work to the southern part of Holland, they became in the beginning of 1995 members of the Eindhovensche Golf. He joined the board of the club in 2004 and became president in the period 2007 – 2017. In 2013 he was nominated president of N.G.V, the Dutch Senior Golf Association. Today he and his wife are members of the Eindhovensche Golf and Kennemer Golf & C.C. and intend to continue to play Golf for many years to come.

Bart’s plans for ESGA

He would like to emphasize that he is just starting as President, but that growing ESGA as the respected and recognized association for Senior Golf in Europe has been and should be an important target. The main objective of ESGA is to promote and facilitate golf and friendly relations between its members, and he would like to give together with his fellow board-members a strong contribution in realizing these goals. Not only by organizing championships and tournaments and supporting multinational competitions of its members, but also by exchanging ideas with the members how these goals can be fulfilled in the best possible way.

Helge Wangen